Senzacornice | Research and education lab for contemporary art, conceived and directed since 2014 by Alessandra Acocella and Caterina Toschi, aims to combine the pure idea of academic research and training with an applied meaning related to the institutional context of contemporary art exhibition centres, reviews and events. Composed of young scholars, academic researchers and PhD students, the Lab intends to engage with the main actors currently operating in the institutional sphere of art in order to create a new active system of services (symposia, national and international conferences, cataloguing and digitisation of archival and book collections, educational activities, virtual stories, historical-artistic itineraries) aimed at the promotion and dissemination of contemporary artistic culture. The digital platform presents the results of the Lab’s research activities, thus stimulating the birth of future art projects on national and international level.
Associazione Senzacornice
Via Jacopo Nardi 17/a
50132 Florence (Italy)
c.f. 94204060480
©2024 Senzacornice
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