Exhibitions, editorial projects, networks in the Italian art system since the 1970s
The issue inaugurates the new series of the digital Senzacornice Journal, scheduled for publication in summer 2025. The series is composed of monographic issues published annually and is aimed at publishing original and unpublished scholarly contributions, or linked to pre-existing lines of research but reconsidered according to new perspectives, pertaining to the contemporary art system: history of exhibitions, collecting and the market, art criticism, publishing and exo-publishing, history of archives and places of production, dissemination and reception of contemporary art research.
The first issue of the new series is dedicated to the theme of travel, understood as an inspiring and activating element of artistic-cultural projects in the Italian art system from the 1970s onwards.
The launch issue of the new series of Senzacornice Journal, edited by Alessandra Acocella and Caterina Toschi, will investigate case studies in which the physical experience of travelling has contributed to generating projects of exhibitions (solo and group) and publications (editorial and exoeditorial journals, series, artist’s books, non-fiction and fiction) by artists, photographers, art dealers, critics, curators and art historians, both Italian and non-Italian, who have fostered through the practice of travelling the confrontation of Italy with an international and global dimension – Western and non-Western – of artistic and cultural thought.
Possible, but not exclusive, themes of investigation could be:
– travels by Italian artists, photographers, art dealers, critics, curators and art historians that have given rise to exhibition projects;
– travelling exhibitions related to Italian artistic culture promoted and organized abroad;
– Italian publishing and exhibition projects that have investigated or presented the experience of travel;
– the travelling work: experiences of mail art, exo-publishing, artist’s book, and the creation of international networks within and outside the system.
Articles should not exceed 15-25 folders (no less than 30,000 to no more than 50,000 characters, including footnotes and spaces), may be written in Italian, English and French, and must conform to the editorial guidelines provided by the journal. The text may be accompanied by photographs, audio or video materials, free of rights, in the maximum number of 10. Articles are due no later than February 28, 2025.
It will also be possible to submit contributions for the “Fuoritema” section, provided they are relevant to the journal’s research focus and comply with its editorial and ethical guidelines.
Contributions in .doc format should be sent to the address accompanied by:
- an abstract of a maximum of 1,000 characters, including spaces;
- a brief biography of the author, no more than 1,000 characters, including spaces;
- five keywords;
- any visual materials selected in format .jpg.
The abstract, biography, and keywords must be provided not only in the original language of the text but also in English.
After a selection process conducted by the issue’s editors, the submissions will undergo a double-blind peer review process.